By Firefighter/EMT Christopher Harris
March 15, 2021

We are sad to announce that we have once again, had to cancel the Annual Union Bridge Fire Company Carnival for 2021. Though restrictions are currently being changed on what seems to be a weekly basis, planning and supply ordering must occur in the first months of the year. We also don't know what may happen concerning changes to restrictions by the end of May.

For the second year, the Covid-19 Pandemic has placed us into a situation where will not be able to have our carnival. The first "Festival" held by the wives and members of the fire company was held June 3 - 5, 1887. Food, desserts, music, period games and conversation were the daily entertainment at the fundraiser for the communities new fire company. Over the years, this event was held during the last week of May or the first week of June, originally the time period when the area celebrated "Decoration Day", the predecessor to what officially became "Memorial Day" in 1971. The carnival became a regular event for the entire week sometime in the early 1900's; and continued every year until 2020.

We are hoping to possibly hold some type of small outdoor festival later in the year, but this will depend on what restrictions are mandated by Maryland during the rest of the year. Keep a sharp eye out for new events as the year progresses.

We are excited to announce a few new ways to have smaller fundraisers, including a new On-Line Store that we will have merchandise, raffles, 50/50 Drawings and much more; as well as a Bingo being held in our Activities Center on March 27th. The event is a "reservation only" event with NO tickets being sold at the door. Check out our facebook page for more information.