First Training on Engine/Tanker 84
By Captain Christopher Harris
January 31, 2016

On Sunday, January 31 at 0800 hrs, several Engineers and Officers conducted the first pump training on the new unit. The training was primarily based on the drafting and uninterrupted water flow operations. Each member took the opportunity to draft from a dry hydrant located at the site of the old M.R. Phoutz and Sons drafting pond.

The new unit is equipped with a Trident "Air" primer. This type of primer uses air pressure to create a 'venturi' effect to remove air from the pump so that water can "push" into the pump. The primer is equipped with an 'automatic' feature that allows the operator to maintain a "prime" during operations. Different methods were used to obtain a draft, in an attempt to reduce the time it takes to get water. Operators also practiced switching from on-board tank water to draft water while maintaining an uninterrupted or constant flow of water.

At the end of the session, the unit was returned to the station where members adjusted the hosebed dividers and loaded the "Supply Line" as well as the 2 1/2" Blitz line. The members then practiced with the "Tank Dump" features. This feature allows operators to offload water into portable tanks quickly, during fire incidents. Over the next several weeks, both Volunteer and Paid Engineers will practice operating all of the features of the new unit and will be required to complete several hours of driving time.

The training was completed at around 1400 hrs.